Wednesday, June 16, 2010

MMBN3 progress report #1, though it's written as if it's not the first

I finally defeated BubbleMan Beta... I managed to land both a LifeSword and a BubbleMan + Atk+10 + Aqua+30. (1200 HP, so many bubbles, and only appearing when you're at low health...)

So, I could finally open that gate in Undernet 6...

The result? A dead-end.

Really. A dead-end.

I assume a teleporter will be there later (probably by accessing Undernet 6 via Undernet 1-2-3-4-5)... Why else would the gate exist?

(Yes, I realize this will probably make no sense to people who are not familiar with Megaman Battle Network 3. I'm posting it anyway because this is a blog of random incompleteness.)

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